The Sublime & Beautiful vs. Reality

This blog is a record of one man's struggle to search for scientific, philosophical, and religious truth in the face of the limitations imposed on him by economics, psychology, and social conditioning; it is the philosophical outworking of everyday life in contrast to ideals and how it could have been.

The chief aim of all investigations of the external world should be to discover the rational order and harmony which has been imposed on it by God
and which He revealed to us in the language of mathematics.
--Johannes Kepler



Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Ephemera: Comment into the Aether regarding TSA et al.

The solution to the TSA et al intrusion into our privacy and other rights, is for everyone who can fly, to not do so. Once the airlines start losing significant business, their lobbyists will get the sorry bastards (I mean Congress) to maybe reign in the agency. This would require that Americans be willing to put up with some short-term inconvenience for the sake of liberty. Yes all you beautiful people--stop flying!

But, (sigh), we all know how short-sighted our fellow citizens are and how little they regard their liberty.

I continue to say over and over again: "The AMERICAN people are UNWORTHY of their liberty--proven by these unprotested incursions of our rights and by the results of the last two elections."

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Ephemera: Journal of the Decline: miscellany, x-ray poisoning etc.

I had to put a link here for my own personal reference. I like how the writer dealt with the dangers of TSA's new body-scan devices. I have no desire to go through one after reading this article.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Ephemera: SteamCon II

By necessity, this entry is lame.

Just after I registered for entry for the day, Saturday, I changed the batteries in my camera, and -- the bloody camera wouldn't work! Thus the lameness.

Someone more prepared to document one's adventures would have a working (and better) camera with a competent smart-phone camera for back-up. I was not such a one as to be in this category, and I carry a dumb-phone (don't laugh, it can go five days on one charge). This phone contains a insufficient 2MP camera which is non-focusable unless you drop your resolution to VGA standards.

No pictures this year.

Lord willing, I hope to attend again next year with better preparation. I went on about the camera situation just now because the costumes worn by many of the participants were absolutely fabulous. I was amazed -- the clothing/gadgets varied from proper Victorian attire to skanky punk-style designs to western styles all added together with the Vernian Sci-Fi flavor that is Steampunk.

I enjoyed myself and I got to hear an interview with James P. Blaylock and get his autograph on my copy of "The Digging Leviathan". I attended a few panels and never did make it over to the RPG section. I got off of work Saturday morning from my graveyard shift job, met Sam coming down from Seattle at the Airport and then we were at this convention. I had less energy and I had to pick up Janie at 2330h and head home so I didn't attend the music concert (it looked fun--perhaps next year). All-in-all in was an entertaining Saturday.