The Sublime & Beautiful vs. Reality

This blog is a record of one man's struggle to search for scientific, philosophical, and religious truth in the face of the limitations imposed on him by economics, psychology, and social conditioning; it is the philosophical outworking of everyday life in contrast to ideals and how it could have been.

The chief aim of all investigations of the external world should be to discover the rational order and harmony which has been imposed on it by God
and which He revealed to us in the language of mathematics.
--Johannes Kepler



Sunday, July 21, 2013

ORP: True Sociology: Herbert Spencer readings

After reading a short pamphlet by the author called "The Right to Ignore the State", I have moved on to this next book:

 The Man Versus the StateThe Man Versus the State by Herbert Spencer

Though this collection encompasses essays from 150 to 130 years ago concerning the consequences of State interference in society, the parallels in the loss of liberty for the individual and the growth of the over-weaning State in 19th century England are eerily similar to what has happened to us in the 20th century (and continuing in the early 21st) in America.

Miseries are compounded and progress in technical and social development was slowed and stopped then and now by that great evil called the State, thus this book is still relevant to all of us today who value liberty.

After this I hope to move on to the author's book entitled "Social Statics". I have yet to read the author's three volume series on sociology, as it is out of print and quite expensive to acquire (some libraries have the volumes in the reference stacks, but one needs time and access). If I have time, I will comment on "Social Statics" here in a future entry.

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