The Sublime & Beautiful vs. Reality

This blog is a record of one man's struggle to search for scientific, philosophical, and religious truth in the face of the limitations imposed on him by economics, psychology, and social conditioning; it is the philosophical outworking of everyday life in contrast to ideals and how it could have been.

The chief aim of all investigations of the external world should be to discover the rational order and harmony which has been imposed on it by God
and which He revealed to us in the language of mathematics.
--Johannes Kepler



Sunday, May 23, 2010

Personal Update: Time Count > zero

I've recently been yanked about with responsibilities to detriment of my reading and thinking life. I am glad to have work in these bad-for-the-worker times, but let me tell you:

Daily average time usage:

{Time at work+commute=10.5hrs.} + {Preparation for work, misc. maint. et al.=1.5hrs} + {Sleep=7hrs} + {Social, familial activities, home projects=2hrs.} + {Worship=1hr.} + {Reading, writing, learning, blogging, information consumption, entertainment=2hr.} = 24 hours per day.

There can be much overlap in the above categories, and I am sure that the Worship/Bible portion should probably increase, and "ministry" work should be added.

This means that just "reading" has all the above to compete with it. So, yesterday's competition got the best of me just when I was about to dash off something entertaining and relate how I don't have time to even write my own blog, when I began and was instantly pulled away by my wife, I could only transmit incoherence. However, it is really more than necessary to be sure to spend time with her since she must travel to and stay in Anchorage with her mother for most of the summer to help with the medical issues of her mother's husband.
(He has third stage congestive heart failure--I'm not sure how long God has ordained him continue upon Earth--do offer prayers, as far as we all know, he is not saved--and we would like to affirm that "God desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth".--do pray.)
In a few hours the daylight portion of the Lord's day will begin, and I have a brief moment that I have snatched from the "sleep" portion of my busy dying day.

I have not done many entries on my reading projects since the "read" time is severely abbreviated. This slows progress to a crawl.
(Despite my ability in my youth to really "put away" the novels, I was never a fast reader--I like to read 'in depth' and I enter a contemplative state where I most often can mentally construct the universe of the idea I am thinking about, this tends to slow the work portion of the reading process. But even if I'm slow I mostly get a higher retention rate on what I've just read.)
I decided to add an N.T. Wright book into my "currently reading" stack, and since what I've read so far of Wright's prose is quite readable, I figured that in my time-limited reading time that I would breeze through one or two of his books and move on. Progress was not to be, since I find that there were a good many things to write about from the many well-said things in his books that need commenting upon. I may try to write up a paper or long blog entry on the Wright book that I am reading currently. Anyway, stay tuned...


Stu ι™Άζ˜Žη€š said...

I'm all for the 48 hour day, think how much more we could get done!

Mad Russian the Natural Philosopher said...

Can you imagine what the overlords of our land would demand in productivity? Now if one were in need of only 1 hour sleep/meditation per 24 hour period, and had this power unbeknownst to our economic fascist jailers, can you imagine how one could over-come the enemy through sheer dogged determination.....