The Sublime & Beautiful vs. Reality

This blog is a record of one man's struggle to search for scientific, philosophical, and religious truth in the face of the limitations imposed on him by economics, psychology, and social conditioning; it is the philosophical outworking of everyday life in contrast to ideals and how it could have been.

The chief aim of all investigations of the external world should be to discover the rational order and harmony which has been imposed on it by God
and which He revealed to us in the language of mathematics.
--Johannes Kepler



Wednesday, March 09, 2011

W: LP: GRP: AR: We The Living 04

We the Living: 60th Anniversary EditionWe the Living: 60th Anniversary Edition by Ayn Rand

from page 376 (and I ask this question of the corporatist oligarchy masquerading as a Republic here in the USA):

"But you've tried to tell us what we should want. You came as a solemn army to bring new life to men*. You tore that life you knew nothing about, out of their guts--and you told them what it had to be. You took their every hour, every minute, every nerve, every thought in the farthest corners of their souls--and you told them what it had to be. You came and you forbade life to the living. You've driven us all into an iron cellar and you've closed all doors, and you've locked us airtight, airtight till the blood vessels of our spirits burst! Then you stare and wonder what it's doing to us.

Well, then, look! All of you who have eyes left--look!"


*In our case it was an army of salesmen followed by a galactic sized force of bureaucrats, do-gooders, utopianist experimenters, and many other cozy country club betrayers and revilers of God.

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