The Sublime & Beautiful vs. Reality

This blog is a record of one man's struggle to search for scientific, philosophical, and religious truth in the face of the limitations imposed on him by economics, psychology, and social conditioning; it is the philosophical outworking of everyday life in contrast to ideals and how it could have been.

The chief aim of all investigations of the external world should be to discover the rational order and harmony which has been imposed on it by God
and which He revealed to us in the language of mathematics.
--Johannes Kepler



Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Social Philosophy: Imperialism Club

So, Russia wants to join the same Imperialism club that the USA invited itself to. Here is an excerpt from an article from National Review that gives a perspective not usually found in the mainstream media:


Caucasus Belli

Though the order "Lights, camera, action!" was given by Georgian president Mikhail Saakashvili, the wartime drama now unfolding in the Caucasus was devised, scripted, directed, and produced in Moscow by Vladimir Putin and his fellow siloviki (former-KGB kleptocrats). The Russians say their invasion was meant to protect the rights of a persecuted minority; in fact, it was nothing of the kind. For almost two decades Russia has sought to divide and destabilize the new independent states in its former backyard by establishing, financing, and protecting "breakaway" ethnic statelets--such as South Ossetia and Abkhazia, within the sovereign territory of Georgia.

These slatelets fulfill two important functions. First, they provide the siloviki with country estates. Almost none of the officials in the South Ossetian government are locals; most are high-ranking former KGB officials from other parts of Russia. South Ossetia provides them with a safe haven in which they can launder money, run smuggling operations, traffic in women, divert official funds into their pockets, and wage small but useful wars. Those wars are the second function: They punish pro-Western states such as Georgia, which is already weakened by division.

South Ossetian "forces" have been bombing Georgian villages at irregular intervals for years, but more intensely of late. Saakashvili sought to regain at least some of South Ossetia with a lightning raid, whereupon a massive Russian response, quite manifestly ready to go, was launched. Russian tanks rolled into South Ossetia; another pro-Russian force attacked Georgia in the part of Abkhazia that Georgia still controlled; and Georgia's modest army was forced to withdraw. Russian planes continued to bomb central Georgia, and when Saakashvili proposed a ceasefire, the Russians at first refused to talk to him, then started multiplying conditions for their acceptance.

The Russians remain bent on toppling the elected Georgian regime, which they accuse of war crimes. There are plausible reports that the Georgian forces shelled villages in their incursion into South Ossetia, but they were overwhelmed so quickly that they simply could not have done anything on the scale alleged by the Kremlin. Besides, Russia's long patronage of South Ossetian attacks, its invasion across internationally recognized borders, and its relentless bombing of a country that had retreated and offered a ceasefire deprives it of any right to make such accusations. Russian policy is a war crime in itself.

End of Quote--

Of course the USA doesn't have moral authority to criticize Russia's own 'savage little wars of peace' as our country likes it's Imperialism only too well.


adnan said...

a nice blog. so creative.

Mad Russian the Natural Philosopher said...

I thank you for your kind comment.