The Sublime & Beautiful vs. Reality

This blog is a record of one man's struggle to search for scientific, philosophical, and religious truth in the face of the limitations imposed on him by economics, psychology, and social conditioning; it is the philosophical outworking of everyday life in contrast to ideals and how it could have been.

The chief aim of all investigations of the external world should be to discover the rational order and harmony which has been imposed on it by God
and which He revealed to us in the language of mathematics.
--Johannes Kepler



Monday, July 06, 2009

Personal Update: general & on education

The various mental exercises, reading projects and the like, have all been disrupted recently. In the last month Sam finished his second year of high school at Covenant HS. We have decided to enroll him at Tacoma Community College in the Fresh Start program, and he started driver's training. Then Janie was gone for three weeks to visit her mother and attend her brother's wedding. All this activity and Janie's absence for this time period prompted me to spend some time gaming (mostly Civ.4) and real light reading, so consequently I have not taken any time to do some writing in this blog.

But, to get back to our decision to move Sam from Covenant HS to TCC, he really needed some help in some of his academics, but because our family is not a first tier family in the church, our requests for help fell on deaf ears. The community college, however, has excellent English labs and Mathematics labs that may give Sam the help that he needs. I have to ask the question, if it is so important to provide your child a Christian education, why is it that the proponents of sending your children to a Christian school are stuck in the same narrow box as the socialist public school educators in regard to the "one size fits all" false paradigm???

All of the children going to Covenant (and I suspect many other Christian schools) are expected to be of one major learning type and to have a narrow academic bent. What is there for children of other learning types and gifting? What of the artistic child? What of the mechanic child? I am so disappointed in the Christian school system as practiced. One would think that learning to walk with the Lord would be more important than mere academics. Anyway, it is sad that I have go to a secular institution to get help for my son when the Church should be leading the way in educating all children (not just the ones destined for high academics).

And another thing, why are there only "Liberal Arts" Christian schools and no Christian Polytechnic Schools in higher education and at the secondary level???

If our civilization persists, and I have my doubts that it will--another topic for another discussion, but how will the Church lead in the fields of technology and science? Or how will the Church lead in the necessary service fields like the trades or mechanics or fill-in-the-blank???

Or is the Church in America going to continue it's slow death and descent into irrelevance??

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