The Sublime & Beautiful vs. Reality

This blog is a record of one man's struggle to search for scientific, philosophical, and religious truth in the face of the limitations imposed on him by economics, psychology, and social conditioning; it is the philosophical outworking of everyday life in contrast to ideals and how it could have been.

The chief aim of all investigations of the external world should be to discover the rational order and harmony which has been imposed on it by God
and which He revealed to us in the language of mathematics.
--Johannes Kepler



Thursday, April 01, 2010

Credenda: Another of the billions of errors.

Janie just read the theological atrocity that is "The Shack". From the few excerpts that she shared with me it is totally disrespectful of Jesus Christ. As a long time science fiction reader and a six-day creationist, I have had to get used to some of the stupidity that passes for earthly wisdom, but this book is just a royal piece of fecal matter.

My 2/100ths credit.

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